Pollinate Ritual
Bringing ritual back to life.
The Power of Ritual
Ritual is fundamental to the human experience, has been with human beings from the beginning and is part of every culture across time and space. It transcends theology and dogma; orienting humans to each other, nature and the unknown. Pollinate Ritual is devoted to preserving, practicing and evolving this powerful part of the human experience. We practice many different rituals to bond us, help us explore, help us transform and help us build new community and new vision. If you do not have a consistent ritual practice our hope is that you will find something here to begin with. If you do have a ritual practice we invite you to explore and grow in that practice with us.
What We Do . . .
Spiritual Direction: Every Day Ritual
Do you crave a practice that keeps you centered, aware and growing? Spiritiual Direction can help you do just that. Through the guidance of a Spiritual Director, individuals are offered a supportive and nonjudgmental space to explore their spiritual journey, reflect on their experiences, and discern the presence of spirit in their lives. In this nurturing environment, seekers can gain new insights, clarity, and a sense of peace as they navigate the complexities of their beliefs, doubts, and aspirations. Clients work with Spiritual Director Kathryn Dickel to build a practice based on modalities and rituals that work for them. Find out more here!
Retreats: Intensive Ritual
Pollinate facilitates multiple retreats throughout the year focused on providing attendees a transformational experience over 3-5 days. Thematic ritual, incredble food, healing arts pracitioners and community connection are all part of an experience aimed at transforming your life.
Custom Ritual: Rights of Passage and Connection
Many of us have moved away from traditional religious ceremonies, but still desire a ritual to mark the significant moments in our lives. Pollinate can help you build a ritual that will center on what is important to you and give you a pathway through significant life events that make them meaningful and help you and your loved ones process these life events. Rituals we can help you with (included, but aren’t limited to): Joining ceremonies (marriage), blessingways (baby showers), naming ceremonies (baptisms), celebration of life (funerals), anniversaries, reunions, graduations or passages through to adulthood, holidays, separations/ goodbyes.
Community Ritual: Therapeutic Community
Pollinate hosts multiple community rituals throughout the year to provide opportunies for people to gather in celebration with one another incluing our annual Summer Solstice celebration, Winter Solctice Dinner, Samhain Observance, and our Cuddle Puddle Ritual Concerts. We utilize, music, art, poetry, nature and community to bring us together and combat the lonlieness of a tech-driven world.
The Hive House
Pollinate Ritual operates primarily out of The Pollinate Hive House, located in Windsor Heights Iowa. From this ‘hive’ we offer ongoing and consistent services and programming to meet the immediate needs of the surrounding neighborhood, while providing those outside the neighborhood an opportunity to come to a therapeutic community environment and experience the benefit of small, integrated solutions.
Healing Arts Practitioners
The is home to many gifted healing arts practitioners devoted to your health and wellbeing.
Support Groups
The hive hosts a variety of support groups to assist specific constituencies in growing in community.
Check out all the events at The Hive.
Pollinate Apothecary
We have a wee shop at the hive that features and ever changing selection of tinctures, teas, body products, sacred jewelry, knits and yarns, tarot cards, candles, food from our gardens and other soul filling items.
Pollinate Magazine
Pollinate Magazine features writers from across the globe to explore what it means to create a modern day spiritual life.